Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Capital Management, Inc. (CMI) is the investment management subsidiary of Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas Incorporated. CMI manages investment portfolios that are customized for each client’s specific goals and risk tolerance.
If you have any questions regarding our services, representatives, or any other items, please contact the following company representatives for…Read More
Every portfolio is unique and is developed around the objectives of each client. We have an initial discussion with clients…Read More
Our equity approach is to buy and hold a diversified portfolio of high quality stocks that have a record of…Read More
Neil C. Folger Executive Vice President Phone: 202-626-5221 Fax: 202-783-5164 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Neil formerly held positions of Vice President in…Read More
Research is an integral part of the Capital Management process. We draw on a range of sources for investment information,…Read More
The CMI team consists of two portfolio managers, David M. Brown and Neil C. Folger, and an administrative staff. While…Read More